KUMUNU-ISU PDE, Dynamical Systems and Applications 2024

April 6-7, 2024
Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas
KUMUNU-ISU PDE, Dynamical Systems and Applications Conference is an annual event which alternates between the Mathematics Departments of the University of Kansas, University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Iowa State University. This annual conference brings together specialists, who work in various areas of partial differential equations (PDEs) and infinite dimensional dynamical systems, with graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and early career young faculty.
The 8th Annual KUMUNU-ISU Conference will focus on recent developments in the existence, dynamics and stability of nonlinear waves in dispersive and dissipative systems, as well as the study of infinite dimensional dynamical systems.
In addition to the plenary and invited talks, there will be time allocated for a poster session for graduate students and early career faculty. Participants interested in giving a poster presentation must register by March 1, 2024, for full consideration.
Pending requested support, there will be limited funds available to partially cover travel and lodging expenses of conference participants. Priority will be given to participants who have no other federal support, graduate students, postdocs and those in early stages of their careers.
Local Organizers
- Mat Johnson, University of Kansas, matjohn@ku.edu
- Dionyssios Mantzavinos, University of Kansas, mantzavinos@ku.edu
Local Coordinator
- Gloria Prothe, University of Kansas, gprothe@ku.edu
KUMUNU-ISU Organizers
- George Avalos, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Pelin Guven Geredeli, Clemson University (formerly Iowa State)
- Mat Johnson, University of Kansas
- Yuri Latushkin, University of Missouri-Columbia
- Dionyssios Mantzavinos, University of Kansas
- Samuel Walsh, University of Missouri-Columbia

National Science Foundation

Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications

University of Kansas: Department of Mathematics, Research Excellence Initiative, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences